Procedure for requesting auxiliary funds:

The Principal of Redeemer Lutheran School shall create a list of projects to utilize auxiliary funds.  It is strongly recommended that the principal solicit project suggestions from the other operating committees at RLCS, school teachers and staff, and the church congregation.  This list of proposed projects shall be submitted to the Auxiliary Committee for consideration on a quarterly basis.  The project list shall include estimated costs associated with each project. The secretary of the Auxiliary Committee will maintain a master list of all requests.  Project requests will only be considered if the appropriate request form is completed and required bids are included.  Requests are accepted on a quarterly basis and must be submitted by the 15th in January, April, July or October.  For a request to be considered and added onto this list, it must be submitted before a final cut off date of the third Tuesday in March.   The Auxiliary Committee will meet each quarter to evaluate the recommended list of projects.  After the final cut off date, this complete list shall be submitted to the PTO.  The PTO will then solicit parents and teachers feedback through the use of a survey.

• The Auxiliary Committee will consider the results of the survey when making final funding recommendations.  Available funds and / or need may dictate spending in other areas.

• Individuals may make recommendations for projects as long as all procedures are followed. After the Auction funds are received and reconciled and reserve funds have been set aside, the remaining funds can be distributed as described below.

After the final cut off date of the third Tuesday in March, the following procedures will be followed:

• The Auxiliary Committee will meet to make a final recommendation to the School Board on which projects to fund.  Proposed projects will be evaluated using the Means Tests for Proposed Projects.

• Projects that receive recommendations from the Auxiliary Committee will be those receiving the highest scores on the Means Test for Proposed Projects.  Those recommended projects will then be submitted to the School Board for final spending approval.

• Copies of all bids must be included with the recommended proposal in order for the School Board to vote on approval of funds.  Three bids are requested for projects over $500.  However, a minimum of two bids are required. If a meeting of the Auxiliary Committee cannot be arranged in a timely fashion to accommodate the request, an e-mail vote shall be permitted.

• The Principal or his / her designee shall submit the spending request to the Auxiliary Board Chairperson, identifying the expected cost, including a copy of the quote where applicable, and the reason for the need.

• The Auxiliary Board Chairperson shall email all of the voting members of the Auxiliary Committee and solicit a vote authorizing the proposed spending.  Each member will have two business days to respond along with any needed discussion and cast his or her vote.  The Auxiliary Board Chairperson will tabulate the votes and approved projects will then be submitted to the School Board for final approval.

• The bids for each project, along with the minutes of the School Board meeting, will serve as approval to proceed with the project and authorization to disburse funds.

Auxiliary Committee Members:

  • Deb Braley—Chairman
  • Pastor Ted Andrada
  • Chrissy Gold
  • Karyn McChrystal
  • Amy Grace Duncan
  • Sarah Andersen
  • Crislyn Grubb – Teacher Representative